
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

WIP 2013 Recap

Although I didn't have a strong finish at the end of the year of personal projects...I did for my clients.

But this report is about my personal projects for the year and includes commissions or charity projects that I collaborated on.

On my original list for 2013 and finished:
1 -Rose of Sharon Bird Block --"Rose of Hope"
2 -Irena Bluhm Colored Pencil class project "Florabunda"
3- Skill Builder Sampler --"Rosie's BOMb"
7 - Valentine Jelly Roll Race- "Racing Hearts"
15 - Christmas Friendship Star Block Lotto win in December - "Christmas Friends"

4 - Valentine Postcard - sent to a friend (domestic machine)
5 - QR Code "KQ via QR"
6 - Book Cover --gave to my mom (domestic machine)
8-11 - 4 similar tree quilts to commemorate the life of a mother and wife
12 - Jeans brick wall - "God's My Foundation" - to commemorate the life of a daughter
13 - 19th Anniversary Commission
14 - "Day and Night" - Barbara Shapel class piece - Maple Tree (domestic machine)
16 - INMQ Wholecloth Challenge - "Dreamland"
17 - "A Paris Engagement" Commission
18 - Fall Table Runner Commission
19 - "Coulee Vintage Sonnet" - pieced by Peggy Nevsimal - donated for auction at the Grand Coulee Chamber of Commerce Vintners and Brewers Event.

Misc. 20 -- Various Charity Blocks: Boston Strong blocks sent to Boston. Also sent several blocks and fabric donations for the Facebook group 'Just us Quilters' charity projects, this included several unquilted and no batting receiving blankets for an orphanage in Africa (domestic machine).


Still WIP: 5
  • Christmas Gift #1  --(ready to quilt)
  • Christmas Gift #2 --(ah well....good intentions, so much for my week before Christmas body ordered rest)
  • Honeymoon Storm at Sea
  • Fall Wallhanging
  • 2007 Alaska Shop Hop

    • OWN
    • Out of the Darkness
    • Basket BOM (ready to quilt)
    • Peace Park
    • Snowflake/blizzard --except that I used some of the snowflakes as inspiration for the Cool Penguin design.
    • 2007 Shop Hop the Blues
    • 2009 Shop Hop the Blues
    2013 Completed: 19

    p.s. ---including these and client quilts, I quilted 101 items on my long-arm, 3 on my domestic and pieced a few unquilted blankets and blocks for charity too! Not bad for a slow start given the move to Grand Coulee that started in January of this year and finished up in March.

    Hoping my shoulder will start cooperating in the new year so I can get back to a balanced schedule of productivity!

    Happy New Year everyone!!

    Sunday, December 1, 2013

    December Goals

    Sometimes it feels like I've lost the opportunity to do any of my own work now that I've got so much going on with the business.

    I do have a couple of Christmas gifts to finish up and of course all the --'please by Christmas' client quilt tops to get done as well.

    Our Technique Class is going through methods of how to make Flying Geese this month and there are no project classes so that we all can spend time with our families.

    Two personal projects that would be really fun to try and get through before the end of the year --the Fall Wall Hanging and my Storm at Sea quilt. With a full week from Christmas to New Year's...just maybe this can happen!

    The Fall Wall Hanging I think will have evolved from the last time you saw it because I made some leaf blocks that won't fit in their intended project (I used the wrong grid size (DOH!), but might add so much to the wall hanging. yeah!

    The Storm at Sea now has all fabric bits ready and waiting to be sewn and then the assembly of at least the center. Borders..well, we'll have to wait and see.

    November Finishes

    Missed posting these as goals, so here are my results for the month.

    1. This month's Technique classes cover Half Square Triangles. It has been so fun to see the light bulbs turn on in my students! Their results are improving every week and their excitement makes me smile. Here is a shot of the morning class after block 2.1 (1st block of Month 2)....the Churn Dash.

    2. Tuesday before Thanksgiving--our project class was a Jelly Roll Race!

    3. Client quilts --including a run to Walla Walla for dropoffs (4) and pickups (12) and two headed for publication in a book. This month I finished my first 4 years of owning a long-arm. An entire post about it is here. Amazing that it has been over 250 client quilt tops delivered to me that I returned at least quilted ...some bound. Added to that would be my own quilts and commissions that I did from start to finish. I quilted 14 client tops this month and did a commission as well (see below).

    4. This fall table runner was commissioned to be given as a gift at a Thanksgiving Celebration. How thoughtful of the guest. - Finish #18

    5. Donating the fabric and my quilting of a vineyard themed quilt for our local upcoming Wine Auction. I convinced the Chamber manager, Peggy Nevsimal (also one of my students) to piece it! The event is sold out, but remote bids are being taken via the Grand Coulee Dam Area Chamber of Commerce, 509-633-3074. The event is December 7.  (p.s. I'm going to count this as finish #19!)

    6. The latest Country Register in your region will likely include instructions to make this adorable penguin. Be sure to pick up your own copy!