
Monday, June 1, 2020

Luminous Quilting Ideas

Thanks for coming by to see my ideas for how to quilt Luminous - a design from Kate Calleran - Seams Like a Dream Quilt Designs and Tammy Silvers - Tamarinis from their Adventure in Color Quilt Along.

Luminous: Dawn               Luminous: Dusk      

I'm going to use the Dawn colorway to illustrate the quilting designs as it will be easier to see the stitching path, but this design could work on either colorway.

Given the custom layout of this quilt, I put together unique designs for each block and a fill suggestion for the background.

For thread color, I'd recommend a similar color to the background, perhaps a pale color of your liking to give it a subtle hue of dawn (it could even change going away from the 'sun') and one shade lighter than the background on the dark version so that you actually will see the quilting. If you want it to 'disappear' and only create texture then match it as close as possible.

For thread in the blocks, consider a solid or variegated that will blend or contrast depending upon your preference. Blending colors will be more forgiving.

The block sizes are quite diverse, so in order to get the density of quilting consistent, some blocks will be more 'loosely' quilted and others more densely when considering just the piecing. Ideally you want a fairly consistent density of quilting throughout so we'll treat some blocks differently than others.

There are 6 unique blocks. I've video taped the stitchout for each block using a piece of clear plastic over the top of the printed true to size block so that you can see how to practice or audition designs of your own. Often I just do a single page printout of the whole quilt, but in this case given the scale of the blocks was so different and so many different ones, I printed them out true to size.

Tools I'm using

View all videos for ideas before getting started with the actual stitching.

Background Fill - Consider doing the echo work around the blocks to stabilize them as you go, unless you plan to do 'flares' outside the colored patches of each block. If using the same thread throughout, you can work up to a point in the block, stitch it out, and then continue to fill around it.


Block 1

Block 2

Block 3

Block 4

Block 5

Block 6

Center Section

Outer Section


Thanks so much for watching. Was this helpful? Please share this with your friends and let me know if you'd like to see more of this.

I regularly post my quilting endeavors at and my pattern designs and projects at  I hope you'll follow along. I have a few kits left of the Dawn colorway in Northcott fabrics. Find them here. Free shipping for orders over $75.

#adventureincolorquilt  #luminousquiltalong #quiltingthequilt

@tamarinis  @seamslikeadreamquilts