
Monday, February 21, 2011

Design Wall Monday

4th setting....but I didn't like it.
Today I get to show you a finished quilt top that I have been working on. I've included a photo pre-assembly where I changed it up one more time (I thought about this in last week's blog as I was looking at the various settings), but didn't like it so went back to my 3rd version of placement to put it together. I'm realizing that the busier the fabrics, the less attractive the block. I should have stuck with the original block fabric selections of very simple tone on tone fabrics and let the block design itself speak. The busier the fabrics, especially ones that are flowers already that I fussy cut (kind of ) to get them to work, are just too busy or disjointed to make them that attractive. Just My Opinion ;-)

I started sewing on it last night and finished it up today. Next to quilt and bind it. I barely had enough green to finish the top alone, so will be binding it with the daisies and coming up with something creative to use on the back from my stash.
I'm really looking forward to moving on to something else, this is not my style of quilt, but a UFO that just needed to get done!

Lots of shows coming up in the next couple of months, so I've been prepping them for registration and/or delivery.

The Starlight-Flutterbright will be at TRENDS, so if you're a shop owner and will be attending EESchenk's mini-market weekend, consider voting for this one (see yesterday's blog entry for photo), I think I'll also put it into the Krazy Horse Quilter's show in Pendleton, end of April show, too. If you carry the Freedom Fabric line - Flutterbright, would you be interested in this pattern and/or having me teach a class?

Working Title: "Final Rose"
The AQS Mystery quilt will be at the Tri-Cities Quilt show along with our WWVQG Raffle quilt--just on display. Maybe the WWVQG Raffle quilt can win a GROUP ribbon? If you're in the area, hope you'll come out and see all the beautiful quilts.

I was asked to write up the pattern for a quilt designed by Elaine Shaw of Highland Designs and Highland Quilts, "Extended Triple Irish Chain". It is featured in the current (Feb-Mar 2011) Country Register Washington edition. There are a couple of giveaways in the article (p.17), so check it out and enter if you're interested in a new twist on an old pattern. I got distracted....I'm telling you because the quilt, "Golden Irish Chain" will also be at the Tri-Cities show.

Jackie Robinson is the featured national quilter at the Tri-Cities show, but won't be attending, just some of her quilts will. They are putting on a display of 'WOW' quilts based on Jackie patterns...the quilt I designed and made with her fabrics is still in the Maywood Trunk show, and I've been told they will not have the trunk show on display. I have come up with another quilt using her fabrics using mostly leftovers from my original quilt, but not sure I'll have time to get it done. My working title is 'Final Rose', but nothing in it says that to me....I just have had fun using phrases from the Bachelor and Bachelorette to come up with titles for these 'roses' fabric quilts. At the bottom of it you can see an outer point in the border...I'm debating whether or not to make this a non-square quilt and have these points on one or more/all sides? wdyt?
Maywood Trunk Show on display at Fabric Depot, PDX. "Will You Accept This Rose?" -- resulting quilt from Jackie Robinson's block design contest 2010, Viewer's Choice Winner by Marlene Oddie


  1. I love your baskets and the way you have them float in the background and the setting.

  2. Using the single fabric for all the setting makes the busier florals work just fine! It is really pretty.

    You are one busy lady!

  3. Very pretty baskets. I like the way they float too.

  4. Did you finish? I like the 'final rose'.
