
Monday, March 14, 2011

Design Wall Monday

First I must say...I'm just excited to share news from Trends 2011 (EESchenck's mini-market in Portland, OR) Starlight-Flutterbright received the Judges' Choice award in their quilt contest. See my blog post from earlier this morning for a photo and my complete Trends report.

Last week I did get my version adapted from Alicia Cribb's twisted turning twenty top completed and plan on getting it quilted today. The client has already seen this and is very excited. A bit of creativity here to get this picture taken by myself this morning. It is a very big quilt and is going to barely fit on my 10' quilting table. It is hanging sideways vs. how it will be used on a bed. There are borders on 3 sides...they opted for no border at the 'top' (shown here down the left side). Thank goodness or I would have to go to someone elses long-arm machine because it definitely wouldn't have fit on my table.

I'm finishing up this morning on my quilting table--doubles as my design wall ;-) ....a customer quilt which is really stunning. They used the blended border technique made popular by Pamela Mostek and put a french braid design in the center of the quilt. Very attractive, don't you think?

Got lots to that's it for today. Check out other design walls indexed at Judy's Patchwork Times Blog.


  1. Wow. That is a huge quilt. It turned out wonderfully.

  2. Congrats on your win! Both are stunning quilts.
