
Monday, May 2, 2011

Design Wall Monday - May 2

Finished up my Supernova last week, check out my Supernova Journey Blog Entry for details.

Spring Release is just around the corner, so have been busy working on finished products to sell at a local winery. A vineyard scene from the inside of a window looking out is the wall hanging on the upper left. On the bottom is a panel print that could be 3 separate pieces strung on a wooden frame, or quilted as a table runner or wall hanging. Upper right are 1 side pieces of wine bottle bags and many bottle labels that could be used in whatever. The center log cabin blocks become table trivets or pot holders.

What's on your blog? See others' design walls at Judy's.


  1. Good luck finishing your projects.Lots of ideas on your WALL. I cheated and saved a picture from assembling my Challenge quilt last week.I think is break tired!

  2. Love all the vineyard projects.
