
Friday, June 3, 2011

Patterns for Purchase on

While at Spring Market I heard about C&T Publishing's new venture. They have created a website for sewing patterns, this includes quilting, bags, clothing, etc. I'm excited to tell you that four of my patterns have been uploaded and you can now purchase them directly there and then download to your own computer (print or follow from your computer--so 'green' ...the templates or foundation patterns will probably work easier if you print them, HA!). I'll add more as they become available. I've added a badge on my blog so that you can always have easy access to my patterns.

Be sure to 'follow' me on there so that you can be notified when a new pattern is available.

This makes it really easy for you to get my pattern, or maybe encourage your friend to make a quilt who may not live in my local area.

So...if interested...pick up a pattern at...

I really like this concept and hope that it is well utilized by all who are interested in using patterns that are already designed. Some of us just like to design our own!

If you have your own ideas, but aren't sure how to go about designing it, I am willing to consult with you to come up with enough of the right information so that you can create it. This part of the process is my favorite! I've done that now for several clients and they were so happy to get over that hump and move on with the process that was in their comfort zone.

If you still like a printed pattern and don't live locally to me, contact me and we can use the mail service.

CLOSED 12/2017. Find my patterns now on Craftsy


  1. I actually have designed one and have some more in my "notebook" along with ideas in my head but I wasn't sure how people put them in pattern form.

  2. Great link, Marlene, thanks! And a huge congratultions on your quilt being selected for the AQS show - I saw the article in today's UB!
