
Monday, July 18, 2011

Design Wall / BOM's Away Monday

The McCall's Quilt Design Star Challenge - Round 1 voting is complete as of 1am Mountain Time this morning. We're all waiting with excitement to find out if we're moving on to Round 2. A special thank you to everyone who voted once or daily.

update at 4pm -->I got into Round 2 !!!! WHOOO HOOOOO !!!!!!!!

Last week was spent in Tennessee/Kentucky/ North Carolina. I was in the state for the primary purpose of attending the AQS Knoxville show. I also got to see a good friend from years past, my aunt and uncle, a cousin and her family (right on the Kentucky border) and a good friend from many years ago and members of her extended family in North Carolina.

Enjoyed calling Leah Day at DayStyleDesigns when her quilt 'Winter Wonderland' was awarded the 'Best Machine Quilting'. Although I've never met her, I follow her blog and just had to reach out and see if she was at the show. She was to arrive on Friday with her family, so it was exciting to tell her the big news Wed. morning when the winners were announced.

'Fire and Ice' was hung two quilts away from mine. You can see it behind me in the picture below (just a bit). It had 55,000 crystals on it and won 1st place in the Bed Quilt category. Just having my 'Bordered Beyond the Block' quilt in the show was exciting. Given the amount of work that goes into the winning quilts, I've clearly decided it is not my goal to win one of these competitions. I want to spend my time creating treasures for people that mean something to the recipient. This goal has a longer lasting gratification (in my opinion) and provides a gift of love everlasting. I want my quilting efforts to be with purpose in the greater sense of the meaning. Being selected into the show demonstrates a certain level of accomplishment that is sufficient for my current business goals.

So, this blog entry, oh yes, my design wall and Block of the month progress...well here is my coloring of July Journey the next block in EQ's 2011 BOM.
More Design Walls are at Judy's PatchworkTimes and more BOM's Away are at Lyn's WhataHoot.
On my way home on Friday, I got lucky and captured this photo on my phone (if you understand how camera phones work, this is truly lucky) at the Denver airport. It just goes to prove how much lightening was happening that I was able to get this photo!


  1. I see the sparkle of the crystals in this picture of Fire and Ice behind you. The lightning is pretty too. Glad I wasn't there. I'm not a fan of Lightning. Congrats on Moving on...

  2. oooo I *love* those purples and greens together! (Thanks so much for linking up.) So excited for you, having a quilt in the Knoxville show. Also EXCITED that you're in round 2!! :D
