
Sunday, November 18, 2012

Milestone -- 200 followers!

This past week I was 'tagged' by Carla over at "My Life..a Little of This ...a Little of That", in a blog tag game. One of the bloggers hopping around, Suzy from "Sunshine and Lollipops"stopped by my blog and became a floower, putting my follower list at 200! I offered her one of my patterns and it is now in the mail to her. Thank you Suzy for stopping by and for becoming a follower!!

So Here are the rules:

  • Every tagged person has to tell 11 things about themselves
  • The person who tagged you asked 11 questions, answer them
  • Ask 11 questions for the 11 blogs you're going to tag (the people you tag should have less than 200 followers)
  • Mention the blog that tagged you, but don't tag them back.  (see above)
Things about me
1. I grew up on the California Central Coast. I really miss the ocean where I'm at now.
2. I traveled extensively in my early career as a financial engineer/project manager. I enjoy staying near home most of the time now, but venturing forth every couple of months or so.
3. I've been married for the first time, for 3.5 years. Love him!!!!
4. Have belonged to a Gourmet Club for the last couple of years. Really fun to experiment with new foods every month selected by the hostess and shared with good friends.
5. Feel very blessed at the amount of doors that have opened in my new industry.
6. Learned how to quilt while in middle-school from a neighbor. Didn't do anything else with 'quilting', but made plenty of 'clothes' taught to me by my mother, until our church started an outreach program with a quilting class after 9/11. It fast became a hobby and I started teaching it within a few months.
7. I've been professionally long-arm machine quilting for 3 years.
8. Won a 2nd place ribbon for Machine Quilted, Pieced, Solo at the most recent Washington State Quilter's - Spokane quilt show.
9. I'm an EQ Artist
10. I've self-published several patterns -->see link in the right margin to purchase at patternspot.
11. I grew up in a family of teachers. Although I felt I didn't have the patience like they have to make it a career, I've taught at the college level and it is always nice to see the lightbulbs turn on when you are teaching.
Here are the questions posed:
  1. What time of the day or evening do you do most of your crafting? I always seem to gain creativity at night. 
  2. If money was not a concern, what would be the next machine or toy you would buy for your craft? An Embroidery Machine.
  3. What is your favorite craft/hobby? Quilting.
  4. Do you have a special room or designated place to do your hobby? If so, what do you call this space?  Yes, but no specific name.
  5. What is your favorite TV show? Oh..Oprah isn't on any more, so Bachelor/Bachelorette maybe? I enjoy looking at human relationships.
  6. What was the last tool you bought for your craft/sewing room? Plastic Snap applicator
  7. Do you prefer to read a physical book on use an e-reader device like a Kindle? Probably either, but typically neither. (HA!)
  8. What was your last purchased tool?  (See #6)
  9. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? With my husband not too far from a city, but somewhere with land.
  10. Do you EQ? YES!!! I'm an EQ Artist too.
  11. What is your favorite season? Spring.
11 questions for the 11 bloggers I'm tagging....
  1. What time of the day or evening do you do most of your crafting?
  2. If money was not a concern, what would be the next machine or toy you would buy for your craft?
  3. How long have you lived in your current city?
  4. How many states and/or countries have you resided in?
  5. Do kind of pets do you have (if any)?
  6. What is your favorite TV show?
  7. Where is your favorite place to vacation?
  8. Do you prefer to dine-in or go out to eat?
  9. What is your favorite recipe you like to prepare? 
  10. What did you eat for breakfast?
  11. Do you set aside time weekly to craft/quilt or just do it whenever you get a chance?
And who is being tagged?
  1. Confessions of a Serial Quilter
  2. Fabric of My Life
  3. Quiltin' Grandma's Blog
  4. Solar Threads
  5. Turbo Quilter
 Enjoy meeting some new people!


  1. It's been really fun seeing everything you've accomplished in the last couple of years. :D

  2. Congrats on the 200 Followers. Thanks for the 'Tag'.

  3. Congrats on the 200th follower!
