
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Second Finish of 2013

After taking a class in early 2012 from Irena Bluhm at a workshop sponsored by WSQ-Spokane, I learned about using colored pencils and textile medium to set the pigment into a stitched out (quilted) is my finish.

I added the elements (green thread and yellow thread) outside the main four feather sets in the center and added additional fill (with white thread) in the very center of the tendrils.

As far as my coloring goes, I think I like the variegated hearts in the corners the best.

Definitely a great way of embellishing a whole cloth. I did purchase a few other stitched out designs.....those will sit in my stash until I get motivated again to color. I know Irena has been experimenting with I might have to try something new.


  1. Oh it's beautiful!! I have been wanting to do one of those for so long!

  2. Oh my, this is gorgeous!!! I would really like to learn this technique...

  3. "The blog's call to action at the end of each post motivates readers to apply the knowledge gained in their lives."
