
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

WIP / April Goals

2013-a (a new one added to the 2013 list) Valentine Postcard --the recipient loved it!
2013-#3 Rosie's BOMb --my version of Sewn by Leila's We Can Do It! Skill Builder Sampler. (blogged here).

**NEWS** --just got Rosie's BOMb back from the TriCities Quilt Show, and it was awarded 'Outstanding in a Field' by Friday Friends...'unique, outstanding, creative'. Thanks!!

Progress and Goals for April

2013-b KQ-QR Code
(this is a new one added to the 2013 list)
Excited to have this on my goals for April to finish. This is intended to be utilized for my own studio as well as at the International Quilt Festival of Ireland. The scary part about it, is that I know my design will work as a QR code, but will the finished product? Don't know until it is laid out completely!

In the photo you only see one of 3 sections that are in progress. I had to move it, so did a quick iron of what I had laid out and hoped that most of it would hang together. Rolled it up, and just unrolled one section in order to take this photo.

Storm at Sea --Honeymoon in HawaiiI hope to finish this too. Here it is at the last opportunity of activity (summer 2012 in California).

A Valentine jelly roll race, pieced last fall...I now have it quilted, just need a binding. I used it as a 'test' piece once the long-arm was moved into the new studio. But keep trying to do real customer work now.

It was 3 long months of no client work because of the studio move. Happy to be in the studio, although not quite 'settled' in yet...still working on storage solutions, etc. We entered a contest from the supplier of our flooring, We came in second and are due to receive $250. Thank you to all who voted online. If I had remembered that the pinterest 'likes' and 'pins' were part of the contest and alerted you all to that earlier, perhaps the results would have been different. Regardless, just glad to have recovered some of the cost of the flooring.

2013 Stats:
Completed: 4
In Progress: 9


  1. I really like your code quilt. It makes me want to take the fabric off my design wall and start cutting and sewing. But with stern resolve I will finish what I'm doing first. It's almost done really, probably only a days worth of work. I an do it really. No looking at all that grey fabric I have.

  2. I made a QR code quilt for the Quilt Index. When I was finished with the top it didn't work, so I put on white borders and it worked.
