
Saturday, November 4, 2017

Reindeer Games - #9 and an update

I've been keeping up fairly well with the I Wish you a Merry QAL. Block #9 is on right now and it is Reindeer Games. I took a bit of artistic license and this one is hiding in the woods so to speak. The background and the body are two different fabrics, but they got fairly close in color down near the bottom.

Since there have been a few blocks that I haven't blogged about, but posted on instagram or in the FB group, here is a recap of what I've got so far.

Three more blocks to go, then to come up with a fun 'setting' for them. Oh the ideas! :-)

If you'd like the pattern for this one, head over to the linkup and even get a dose of inspiration of various versions that have been made.

Ready for Christmas yet?



  1. Beautiful!! I still need to make the first one-snowflake-but the rest are all caught up. Your blocks look great together.

  2. Your blocks are looking great! I especially like the snowflake background on your snowman block.

  3. I like the idea of a camouflaged reindeer. His nose is still a dead giveaway. It is a little large to be a berry. LOL All of your blocks look so good! I still have to do the presents, but am otherwise caught up.
