
Aurifil Cotton Threads - what weight to use for your project
Binding Inside Corners w/Marci Baker
Binding Odd-Angled corners w/Marci Baker
Block Library (genXquilters) with links to Tutorials
Choosing Colors -- Jinny Beyer's Portable Palette explained. --I have a couple if you'd like to purchase them locally.
Color Catchers -- make your own Jillee
Colors Palette Generator
Designs with Lines w/Pam Clarke
Half Square Triangles - make 4 with 2 squares sewn together (leaves bias edges on all HSTs)
Half Square Triangles - Quilt-in-a-Day PDF - make 8 with 2 squares sewn together (no bias edges remain)
Half Square Triangles --when you need to make major volume and are not afraid of sewing on the bias
Interweave Quilts - Lorrie Cranor
Linda's Electric Quilter's - good for 'just about wholesale prices' on long-arm materials
Olympic Rings --drafting the blocks tutorial
One Block Wonder with Panels
Pillowcase with Hidden Seams-- You Tube Video by OverallQuilter
 - French Seams/Tube method - 2 page PDF
 - French Seams/Tube method with lots of photos and small accent from Twiddle Tails
 - slightly different dimensions (smaller accent) You Tube Video by Crafty Gemini
Puffy Bow Tie Block Tutorial - the center of the bow-tie is 3d!
Quilting Charts and Formulas (pdf) from Landauer Publishing
Quiltmaker's Understanding Stitch Length
Self Binding Receiving Blanket (Missouri Quilt Company)
Shortcut Quilt Tutorials (Fat Quarter Shop)
Skill Builder Layouts
"Spinner" (EQ 2011 BOM Layout Contest Winner) Tutorial and Project File
Supernova Quilt-a-long
Y Seams by Kaye Wood
ZigZag Quilt without Triangles by crazy mom quilts
Spinner Tutorial and EQ7 Project File


  1. Thanks for the link to making perfect half triangle squares. Just what I needed!!

    Teri R.

  2. I'd love to talk to you about possibly quilting a few of my quilt tops. I live in Olympia.
