Thursday, August 18, 2016

Island Batik - showcasing Seashore in Rondure

Welcome Back! I hope you've enjoyed the three collections already featured this week.

I'm excited to share with you a new pattern of mine that has had quite a journey - Rondure
- featuring the Seashore fabrics.

The 3d effect comes from skewing the two blocks used in the quilt design on the golden ratio. There is a more complete write up with a variety of other colorations made by my testers here.

This particular quilt I'm calling 'Seaglass' (the pattern is Rondure --French for graceful sphere). I convinced my sister, who lives on the Central California Coast (where I grew up), to take a few shots on/near the beach.

Summer Seaside Snack
7 layer dip
Refried Beans, Cheese, Salsa, Black Olives, Avocado, Sour Cream, Green Onions

And a back made with 2 of these beautiful fabrics for an Island Batik Ambassador group project. Congrats Katie!

The journey to make this into a pattern has been long, but I'm excited that it is now available if you are up for the challenge. It is not for a beginner, but is broken down into 10 steps that are very doable.

I'm planning a 3-day intensive class the last week of April, 2017. Pattern available here.

I have a small bundle of fabrics from the Seashore collection available for a giveaway. Please use this Rafflecopter to register. Your email will be added to my monthly newsletter.

The question to answer is: to learn something new, would you prefer to -- 1) watch an online class; 2) take a class in person; 3) just follow a pattern.

The giveaway is open for 1 week from the posting date. Thanks for coming by!

For the Island Batik Bundle, register here:

So far our bloghop has been through these collections with inspiration from each of these Ambassadors:

Rain Forest - KISSed Quilts

Red Tide - Free Motion by the River and Mary Mack Made Mine

Sand Dune - Purrfect Spots and KnitBug 2

Thursday Aug 18 - Seashore

Still coming up:
Friday Aug 19 - Surf Squirt

Monday Aug 22 - Tradewinds

Tuesday Aug 23 - Equinox

Wednesday Aug 24 - Sea Canyon

Thursday Aug 25 - Sea Foam

Friday Aug 26 - Spoolin' Around

Monday Aug 29 - Tide Pools

Tuesday Aug 30 - Wind and Sea

Wednesday Aug 31 - Spring Zing

Thursday Sep 1 - Splash
Kissed Quilts --I'll be back!!

Friday Sept 2 - Landscapes


  1. I'm one of those people who learn best by reading and then doing. So I'd prefer to learn from a pattern. All those mistakes are great learning opportunities!

  2. I really enjoy the hands-on of taking a class!

  3. I like reading/doing the pattern however the social aspect of taking a class in person. Thanks!

  4. i like using a pattern at home. but someday I would love to take a class in person

  5. I usually learn from the pattern. I would love to take a class one day.

  6. I love the illusion you created in this quilt. The colors are awesome!

  7. I love the illusion you created in this quilt. The colors are awesome!

  8. Online class is my choice, follow onlong at my time, and can refer back to it.

  9. I like to follow the pattern, but if I get stuck watching the video is great too.

  10. My first preference would be to take a class and have immediate feedback from the instructor. However, I've taken a few Craftsy classes which I enjoyed because you can go back and review each lesson as you need it.

  11. I like learning from a pattern.

  12. I really love to take classes and meet the designer if at all possible! I like to get the thrill of meeting creative people. Online is nice because you can go back and retake the lessons (yes sometimes I need that!!!) and there are patterns that I can do without any help! so I guess my answer is a combination of all three!! LOL mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  13. ooo by the way seven layer dip is my fav!!! Love the Rondure pattern - awesome!!!

  14. I like taking online classes to learn new techniques. I also like to just follow a pattern. Photos can be helpful.

  15. I prefer to use a pattern, but I usually end up doing it my own way. LOL

  16. It depends on what it is, but I usually just prefer a pattern. Online classes are so s-l-o-w. I usually only watch a portion of it because I skip a lot to get to the stuff I want to learn. It's that instant gratification thing. I do like in-person classes though to see what everyone else is working on.

  17. I like to take classes both on-line or in person. But, I really find that I learn the best by reading. So book and patterns are the best resource for me.

  18. I have taken classes before and they are OK, but I like to go at my own pace with a pattern. If I get stuck, then I will ask for help, but it seems that a class wastes a lot of time. There are good things about a class, don't get me wrong.

  19. I've taken so many classes over the years, and made so many patterns, that I've been doing my own designs. Love the colors in this fabric group. Thanks for sharing.

  20. I love taking classes in person when I can.

  21. i prefer taking classes in person but the online classes are great because you can pause and repeat.

  22. Usually, I like to read the pattern for myself. However, not all patterns are written so that I can understand the steps, so then I like to take a class. Sometimes I take the class just to set aside time to make the project!

  23. I'm a pattern person (either pro or mine) and sometimes will watch a video or take a class. It depends on who's offering the class/video, and the cost.

  24. Gorgeous design and fabrics. You are such an amazing designer.
    As to your question ? I enjoy all of it. Love taking a class with a talented teacher, in person or even online. Love creating with a pattern, book, or blog tutorial, as well as my own designs, all on my own.


  25. I really enjoy taking a class in person, if I have the opportunity. But most often I just learn from the pattern so I can do it on my schedule. I know online classes also have that flexibility, but I don't really want to spend more time in front of a screen. Your quilt and pattern are amazing!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. I usually prefer a class, but sometimes it's not convenient so then I would just follow the pattern.

  28. I like to take a class in person....

  29. I have taken classes before, but usually I just use the pattern.. The online classes - I never seem to take the time to watch unless it's a very short one. Very pretty quilt..............

  30. If I can find a class with an instructor I want to learn with, that's my first choice. Otherwise, I'm happy to buy a pattern and try it out.

  31. I like a Pattern, or an online class (Looove Craftsy classes!!)

    Love both of your wonderful Quilts! You are sooooo creative!!
    Thank you for sharing, and for chance to win your Give-a-way too! :)

  32. You are quite an artist! The 3D effect in Seaglass is awesome! My eye just wanders all over it. On with the question: If the pattern comes with good photos and is well written, I'd tackle it on my own. Some of those online classes are just so chatty and redundant it drives me insane. I like to get right to the job and get on with it! :)

  33. Amazing quilt! I prefer a class in person. Thanks for sharing your beautiful quilt!

  34. I took a few classes when I first started quilting 10 years ago, but now I just follow the pattern. Love your quilt.

  35. I much prefer to learn in a classroom setting with a teacher rather than online or on my own! Thanks for sharing the giveaway!

  36. Usually I just buy a well written pattern. There are those times though when I take a short class or an online class.

  37. Online class with a well written pattern makes me happy. In person is nice but way less chance of having the opportunity to take the class due to varying locations.

  38. What a wonderful quilt! It is beautiful! I like to use a pattern and learn on my own usually.

  39. Gorgeous quilt! I prefer classes live & in person! Especially if I have a sister attending, too! Taking a Craftsy class would be my second choice. I love Craftsy!

  40. I would prefer a class in person. Love the fabric!

  41. I love online classes where I have lifetime access, so I can go back to review. Having said that, sometimes a class is not necessary and a pattern is all that's needed, but I do need lots of pictures or I am lost.

  42. So nice! I like in person or sometimes I just make it up as I go! thanks!

  43. I have discovered I am a visual learner, so seeing something new is a great advantage. If not by by video, then definitely something with a lot of graphics.

  44. Your Rondure quilt is awesome! I prefer to learn by following a tutorial type pattern. Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  45. Rondure is a hit and those fabrics are perfect!

  46. It depends what I'm learning. Some things can be learnt from a pattern, while others (like free mottion quilting) need to be seen. I'd pick an online class over an in-person one.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  47. I prefer to try a pattern n my own with a paper copy... More often than not I have some colourful words, so it is best I am alone in my sewing space!! Lol

  48. I prefer to learn in person. I do not have any skills, so it helps to be able to see and copy what someone is doing.

  49. I learn best by reading--and holding a book in my hand. That's pretty much how I've learned what I know about quilting. I received some initial advice from a very good friend, and enjoy watching quilting videos (mostly for the personalities, I think), but when it comes to actually quilting, I pull out my books, magazines, and print-outs, and pore over them.

  50. I enjoy learning quilting in a classroom setting as the atmosphere is fun. You can ask for help from not just the instructor or others.

  51. I love the energy of a classroom but have taken 2 on-line classes too.

  52. I prefer to take classes in person, when it's possible. I like to meet others and share practice, and I can ask questions!
    fredbisimail at gmail dot com

  53. I prefer to learn pattern on my own.

  54. What an amazingly beautiful quilt! I like to get a pattern and just get on with it! Thank your for sharing your woek, and for the great giveaway!

  55. I really enjoy online classes - I confess to being a Craftsy addict.

  56. I like to watch an online class. It's better for me than taking a class, because I can stop and come later, and work my way. Usually online classes are very well done, and easy to understand.

  57. I've done all three. I usually prefer an online class like Craftsy, so I can watch it anytime and as many times as I need....and work at my own pace. I love in person classes for being social and learning techniques that I've never done before, especially looking at Rondure, since it's so specialized.

  58. To learn something new, I practiced the three options, depending on several criteria. I prefer to work by myself, so usually following a pattern or taking a class online is good for me. I can sew when I have time for quilting.
    quiltpatchappli at gmail dot com

  59. I prefer to learn from a book.

  60. I prefer in person classes, but have a small budget so i tend to teach myself by doing research online.

  61. To learn something new, would you prefer to -- 1) watch an online class; 2) take a class in person; 3) just follow a pattern.

    Hmmm I've done all three but I prefer a class in person. I'm just getting into doing online classes but I'm on the computer all day at work so I would rather read the pattern (with a lot of pictures) then online class.

  62. That would depend on the projects difficulty. I learned to quilt on line, if I get stuck I look for a tutorial on line. Your beautiful quilt I would definately want to be in class, in person.

  63. That would depend on the projects difficulty. I learned to quilt on line, if I get stuck I look for a tutorial on line. Your beautiful quilt I would definately want to be in class, in person.

  64. I have really only taken one class but I don't feel like I need to take a class and can figure most things out on my own.

  65. That's a tough choice. I would probably try to follow a pattern first.

  66. I like just using a pattern, although I do like quilting videos, too. BTW... your Seaglass quilt is awesome!!!

  67. I'd prefer patterns, I think. Thanks and God bless! ILuvTheEucharist (at)

  68. OMG that quilt seems to come off the page. It's really amazing. Beautiful and I love the colors.
