On my Design Wall is the first row in my Skill Builder Sampler quilt-a-long organized by Leila @ Sewn. More blocks will be revealed in Wednesday's WIP blog entry. About three times a month Leila posts a new block. I didn't start this until very late, so it is a weekly installment quilt for me with several blocks to finish in order to catch up, but I am hopeful that I can with my new plan to get the blocks done even with key assembly points along the way. Excited to see the first row with sashings all put together.
For BOM's Away progress....here is version 1 and 2 of Part 2 of the McCalls Mystery.
Also on my Design Wall..... I can't show you :-) I'm working on the EQ7 2011 BOM Layout contest....reveal to happen by March 2 weekly blogpost.
Some new pricing options have been posted for the trip to Ireland. Check it out!! Got miles you can use...get there on those, but still be on our tour. It is going to be a great experience!
Check out other {Sew} Modern finishes at Canoe Ridge Creations
Design Walls at PatchworkTimes
BOM's Away progress at WhataHootQuilts
Love that pink fabric in the mystery pieces!