As part of Beaquilter's EQ Applique'd Animals Blog Hop, I wanted to share with you how I came up with this spring time bird using simple shapes during the EQ6 Rose of Sharon contest back in 2009. This particular block was selected to be included in Nine Patch Media's DVD, a companion to the Rose of Sharon Block Book published by Martingale & Co. (That Patchwork Place).
Part of the challenge was that we were limited to these shapes and the given sizes.
Within the contest instructions, there was a suggestion to think outside the box. A traditional Rose of Sharon block, is typically just the flower and leaves and stems.
Using the leaf shapes allowed me to create a body and feathers, and the circles created the eye.
I want to show you some tricks in using pre-sized shapes.
This PJ6 file is available on the EQ site and includes the original fabrics in the challenge. You can also download all blocks submitted by contestants. They are for personal use only.
From the project sketchbook, select 'blocks', then the image as shown above which has only the shapes and multiple sizes. Click on the 'Applique' tab at the bottom of your screen.
Select the single arrow at the top of the left side navigation. By holding your mouse button down in the top left corner and dragging it to the lower right, select all shapes and drag them off the block (i.e. to the right).
This block is 12", and the shapes are sized accordingly to work with the stencil set available from Nine Patch Media or the die shapes from Accuquilt. There are two separate die cutters to get all the sizes.
Note: If you want to enlarge the block size, you'll need to consider the shape size adjustment that occurs when enlarging your block within EQ and adjust which shape sizes you use from a stencil or die system. You can also print your own templates from EQ.
Since we were limited to use only these sizes, I stayed with the 12" block. Having moved them off the block, I could select, copy, and paste each shape I wanted to use, and always had my original palette of shapes to the right of the block. After saving each block to the sketchbook, go back and remove the original applique shapes to the right of the block if you want to use that particular block in a quilt setting.
Select a leaf size, copy, paste and then move it and right click to select 'rotate'. Choose how many degrees you'd like to rotate it, and then move into a final position you'd like.
By using the 'copy' and 'paste' from the right side shapes, you always still have the original set of shapes to work with.
The stem of the rose is created by drawing a straight line. Using the 3rd icon on the left side navigation which is a pencil drawing a straight line. Select the pencil, then click at your desired start point and drag it to the end point. If the lines do not create a 'closed' box, then no applique piece will be created. Be sure you draw the ends in as well. If you want the templates that you print to allow for some 'under the leaf' stems, draw them longer, and then be sure the leaf 'order' is brought to the top.
Block...'send to front' or the icon across the top navigation that looks like multiple pages with a green one on top or a green one on the bottom and arrows, showing front or back. If you hover on the icon it will say 'send to front' or 'send to back' accordingly.
Here is what I finally made, on a 15" center block. I wanted it to have perspective of looking through a very thick wall. I've called it 'Rose of Hope' ....a great thing to see if you've been inside all winter!

I hope this has taught you a few new ideas. Leave me a comment by end of day April 26 on what you learned from this post and you'll be entered into a drawing for a Quiltmaker Quilting Designs
CD, this is volume 2! Thank you Electric Quilt! The winner will be notified by Monday, April 29.
Below is the schedule for the week. Hope you'll visit us all.
Monday April 22nd
Tuesday April 23rd
Wednesday April 24th
Thursday April 25th
Friday April 26th
Update 4/29/2013 -- KDBrown was randomly selected to receive the Vol.2 Quilting Designs add-on. Congratulations!!
Thank you to all the hoppers who stopped by, Cheers to your new designs!