Well, I'm back to show you a little bit of progress.

... on my
EQ BOM -- here is my version of May Merriment. I strip pieced the 3 three greens together, then cross-cut to get 4 strips of 3 greens. Then partially put on one, and then was able to put on the other 3 strips, and then finish the 1st strip. These square in a square parts..I always sew on strips to the square (purple in this case) and then cut the square again--very easy to get good points this way.

...on the paintsticks--just a test on a scrap piece of fabric. You can see the motif in the fabric, my objective is to paint that motif in a large scale on top of the fabric with the paintsticks. I have already quilted the motif into the center of the quilt and hope to make it really pop by painting it. I've tested with both the matte and the irresdescent. The irresdescent by far will make it pop, but I might need some of the matte colors to create deadness behind the motif. i.e. shadowing maybe. We'll see. I think the quilting which creates a line to paint within will also help.
I got these paintsticks from
Cedar Canyon Textiles while I was at Spring Market 2011 in Salt Lake City. Check out her website, signup for her newsletter...and check your local quilt shop for supplies.
More design walls indexed at
I have never used paintsticks. They look like fun :)